Cuvée Ostrava

23rd Edition of the International Wine Competition | April 7 & 30, 2025 | Zábřeh Castle, Ostrava

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Vinoforum 2010 Ostrava

19th Edition of the International Wine Competition
Ostrava 3rd – 5th June 2010

Vinoforum 2010 Results
Vinoforum 2010 Press Release


The 19th edition of the international wine competition VINOFORUM, founded by the former Minister of Agriculture of Slovenia Jože Protner and the Slovak professor of oenology Fedor Malík in 1991, took place in the principal metropolis of the Moravian-Silesian region of the Czech Republic. Since its founding, VINOFORUM has been hosted on more than one occasion by such Central European countries as Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Austria, while for the first time the baton will be taken by Poland next year. VINOFORUM has as its goal to equate the quality of wines from the Central European regions with those from the rest of the world and beyond that to widen wine culture not only in those places that are firmly wedded to its traditions.

VINOFORUM 2010 OSTRAVA was organised with the support of the Wine Fund of the Czech Republic and the co-operation of the Clarion Congress Hotel Ostrava, the Union of Vintners of the Czech Republic and the National Wine Centre by the K.A.H.A.N. association (the Civic Association of Ostrava Wine Aficionados), known above all for being behind the unique international competition featuring blended wines, assemblage of two or more grape varieties, as well as branded wines, CUVÉE OSTRAVA, whose current edition took place under the auspices of VINOFORUM 2010 OSTRAVA (for the first time in the history of VINOFORUM the title of champion was awarded to a blend, whilst the best rated blends in individual categories also received a special Category Winner award for CUVÉE 2010 OSTRAVA).

The total of 476 wines from 15 countries, including such exotic wine-making nations as Poland and the Netherlands, were entered into the VINOFORUM 2010 competition, which took place on 3rd and 4th June in the Clarion Congress Hotel Ostrava. The international jury was composed of tasters from 10 countries (among others South Africa, Israel and Great Britain) and presided over by Fedor Malík. Individual five-member committees chaired by Jože Protner, Stanka Herjavec, Julij Nemanič, Rupert Hochegger, Pavel Vajčner, Miloš Michlovský and Jaroslav Hlaváč bestowed a total of 156 medals.

The titles of champion in individual categoriers were awarded as follows: In the dry white wine category to the cuvée Pinot Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (Vinařství Josef Valihrach, Krumvíř) from Southern Moravia), in the semi-dry/semi-sweet and sweet white wine category to Rumeni Muskat 2006 (Kmetijska Zadruga Metlika) from Slovenia, in the dry red wine category to Tabalí Blends Reserva Especial 2006 (importer Heros Vino s.r.o.) from Chile. The winner of the sparkling-wine category was Château Bzenec Brut (Château Bzenec, spol. s r.o.), the best rosé award went to Frankovka 2009 (Víno-vín Morava s.r.o.) and finally the best liqueur wine was, perhaps surprisingly, Jutrzenka 2009 (Winnica Golesz) of Poland.

The two annual F.I.J.E.V. prizes awarded by the international organisation of wine writers and journalists (Fédération Internationale de Journalistes et Écrivains des Vins et Spiritueux) went to Theo´s Witte Cabernet Blanc 2009 (Leon Beyer, Netherlands) for white and to Phant Cabernet Sauvignon (Phant House of Wine, South Africa) for red wine. At the same time a Diploma of Honorary Membership to F.I.J.E.V. was given to Professor Vilém Kraus.

The presentation of wines to the general public and the ceremonial announcement of the results took place inside the Silesian-Ostrava Castle on Saturday, 5th June.

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