Cuvée Ostrava

23rd Edition of the International Wine Competition | April 7 & 30, 2025 | Zábřeh Castle, Ostrava

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Medal Label Order Form

Competition samples are judged by using a hundred-point system as set out by the International Union of Oenologists (in compliance with the OIV standards dating from 2009), assisted by the computerised system for evaluating wines developed by the National Wine Centre in Valtice. The resulting point-rating of each competition sample is the average of all the points awarded by individual committee members after the elimination of the highest and lowest scores. In the event of more than one competition sample receiving an equal number of points, a further criterion comes into play: a simple arithmetical average and then the median value.

Double gold medals are awarded to wines receiving 90 points and above. Gold medals are awarded to wines receiving 87 – 89.99 points, silver medals are awarded to wines receiving 84.00 – 86.99 points. The competition organiser will award only double gold, gold and silver medals.

The title of Champion is given to the wines receiving the highest number of points in category A 1 and category B. In the event of the Champion titul going to a foreign wine, the local wine having the highest points will be awarded the title of National Winner.

The Category Winner title is awarded to the wine with the highest points in the categories A 2, C, D, E, or in the merged categories.

The competition participant has the right to attach self-adhesive medal labels (CHAMPION, NATIONAL WINNER, CATEGORY WINNER, DOUBLE GOLD, GOLD, SILVER) to bottles of wine of the awarded competition sample. These can be purchased from the competition organiser for the price of 2.00 CZK or 0.08 € per item (on orders before 25.4.2024) or at a negotiated price (on orders after 26.4.2024 or on orders exceeding 10000 items). The competition participant will be responsible for paying the designated fee on the basis of an invoice into the account of the competition organiser:

Account name: Klub Amatérských Hodnotitelé Alkoholických Nápojů (K.A.H.A.N.), z.s., Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s., A/C No: 4433088093, Bank sort code 0800, BIC: GIBACZPX, IBAN: CZ 82 0800 0000 0044 3308 8093, Variable symbol: invoice No. 

The medals are supplied in rolls of 500 pcs. In the case of a non-standard order, a packaging fee of € 4 per order will be charged. A standard order means multiples of 500.

The postage will be determined by the price of the Czech Post for registered mail.

In case of any problem please send your orders directly to . Thanks for understanding!

    Silver medal


    Gold medal




    Category Winner


    National Winner


    Double Gold Medal


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